Tuesday, 28 April 2015

How to get the Wardrobe of Your Dreams without Breaking the Bank

Online shopping in Nigeria has come of age and the time is perfect to be able to shop all you desire from the comfort of your home. As the ease of shopping increases, so does the choice. We are ordering more stuff online than ever and we continue desiring more. The truth is that even with all the things that we do have, we end up not being able to create the looks that we desire, the ones we see on fashion models in the glossies or on some of the more glamorous women we know. So how do you go about creating the wardrobe of your dreams and that too within a budget? Read on to find out.

The first thing to keep in mind is to set a budget and know that any garment that you order impulsively may not fit into your scheme of things. Though it may be a great buy and make you look wonderful, you will still long for that particular look that you hanker for. Make purchases that catch your fancy but have a separate budget for them, so that you know if you go overboard.

The other thing to do is to have a look book. This could be a folder where you stash all the cutouts of looks you admire or a folder in the picture gallery of your smartphone. When you shop online, use this for reference and see how you can shop for separates that will coordinate well with your look book and your budget as well. Keep a tab on sales by registering with a few of your favourite websites offering premium stuff, such as Brand Nubians to get updates about flash sales and discounts.

Remember to buy accessories to go with your outfits. A look is incomplete without the accessories that hold it together. Try to pick accessories that can be worn in multiple ways to make them go an extra mile. With the right selection, your look should just be a click away.